New Homes Update/AVDC Updates

This page will be used to keep you up to date with the latest on the 56 homes that may have to come to North Marston over the next 20 years.

Housing Plan pres[642] 

Please note: The Parish Council (PC) presented the findings of the Housing questionnaire which had a 35% response. The aim of the questionnaire was to engage the community to hear your thoughts and deliver the message that this is the villages’s plan. It must be emphasized that the PC had had no input into the decision behind sites currently deemed as unsuitable and that this was purely a AVDC decision based on plots of land being submitted to AVDC. The reasons
for the unsuitability are at a point in time and will change if developers buy land or land owners decide to sell. Please see Moving forward the PC will use the findings to develop a neighbourhood plan and so if there is a need to build houses in the future the PC have the first information at hand to then go back to the Village for further consultation.

AVDC Update 07-05-19

Unitary & VALP update April 2019

12th April 2017 Parish Council Housing Survey – pdf

12th April 2017 VALP Update Letterpdf

12th April 2017 VALP committee minutes

12th April 2107 revised-dates-for-VALPpdf



North Marston Sewage capacitypdf

Draft VALP July 2016

FINAL VALP presentation 4 October 2017

VALP Have your say 2017

AVDC VALP key facts Info Connect Poster – Final Oct 2017 (1)

The ‘VALP’ has now moved to public consultation and runs to Thursday 14 December and then sent to the planning inspector for examination. It vital that this moves to submission before 31st March 2018 as any delay may well mean significantly higher housing numbers. Further information about the VALP and the consultation can be found at

November 2017: VALP Proposed submission 2013-2033 

Future Housing Development  Portway planspdf