

How to save a life!

North Marston has a public
Defibrillator fitted outside at the back of the
Village Hall and at the Wesley Centre

The Defibrillator (AED) is in a locked cabinet and can’t be accessed unless you call 999 (999 or 112 from a mobile).  The Emergency Services operator will give you the code to open the cabinet, only if they consider it appropriate.

In an emergency you ideally need two people; one to give chest compressions – compress the chest twice a second to about 1/3 of the chest depth of the patient.  DO NOT STOP UNTIL PARAMEDICS TELL YOU TO.  The other person will fetch the defibrillator.

When you reach the cabinet, put in the code you have been given and use the handle to open the door. Inside is the defibrillator and pads.

The unit looks like this;

Defib ipad

The unit delivers an electrical shock so make sure there is no water around (puddles etc.).

Turn on the unit by pressing the green button, and follow it’s spoken instructions.
Apply the pads as directed and the unit will decide if the casualty needs a shock or not, so you can’t deliver it incorrectly.

If the casualty’s heart is in fibrillation a shock will be administered – make sure nobody is touching the casualty during the shock!

If the patients heart is not in fibrillation, no shock will be administered – you should continue chest compressions until the paramedics arrive and tell you to stop.

The defibrillator is designed to be very simple to use, so prior training is NOT necessary.

If you would like training though, please contact The Clerk on 07933 624147 and your name will be added to a list; training will become available when there are enough people on the list.

Please see below a link to two documents you may find useful.  Don’t wait for an emergency – read them now!
(Disclaimer: the information in these documents was correct at time of publishing);

112 Number – How to get hold of the emergency services from your mobile phone.

Public Access Defibrillator handout v3 – what to do in an emergency!