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Dog waste bins

Dog waste bins in the village

The parish council has supplied multiple dog waste bins at convenient locations throughout the entire village. These are emptied on a weekly basis by Buckinghamshire Council.

We know that many residents and visitors have dogs and they are welcome in the majority of spaces throughout the village. But we simply ask that you take responsibility for picking up the waste after your dogs.

The harmful effects of dog waste are well documented, including Toxocariasis (an infection that lasts between six and 24 months with symptoms including eye disorders, dizziness, nausea, asthma and, in extremely rare cases, seizures/fits). Young children are especially prone to Toxocariasis.

It is also worth noting that it is an offence for dog owners to fail to clear up any dog foul left by their dogs. Offenders can be issued with a fixed penalty notice or a fine of up to £1,000.

In the interests of children's safety, there are two areas that we ask you to keep dogs away from please. Both of these areas are clearly signed to say that no dogs are allowed:

  • The children's play park, next to the village hall. This is an area that we want to promote safe play for our children.
  • The woodland area at the end of the sports field. This is used by the school for their Forest School activities and it is also an area rich with wildlife. We therefore ask you to keep dogs away.