The Boot Coffee Shop (by Monkshood Coffee) is located behind the Pilgrim Pub, accessible from the car park. It is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-12pm and serves a range of premium coffees and teas. The Pilgrim supplements this with an offer of bacon rolls and egg rolls - all served in brioche buns.
The coffee shop was originally established during the Covid-19 pandemic, where it offered a safe and socially distanced solution for the community to purchase premium coffees from an open air facility. Since then, it has adopted a permanent residence in the outbuildings behind the village pub and is popular for residents and visitors alike.
Generally speaking, the coffee shop is open every weekend although there are rare exceptions (particularly around Christmas and the summer holidays) when Monkshood Coffee are fully engaged in festivals and other events. You will see a chalkboard on the green outside the pub whenever the coffee shop is open.