A Parish Council is a democratically elected body established by legislation. It is the first tier of local government and has a range of statutory powers which may be executed if voted on. With the introduction of the Localism Act, 2011 it has more flexibility to make a difference to its community. Parish Councils have a statutory power to precept (tax) the local electors in their areas to finance activities following decisions made within the council.
The annual budget for North Marston Parish Council is just under £35,000. The detailed annual budget must be produced each year by the council; the budget shows how tax payers’ money will be spent for the forthcoming fiscal year.
A Parish Council does not have statutory responsibility for services such as waste collection, street parking, traffic regulation, environmental health, planning, licensing, housing and education. This is the responsibility of the local authority i.e. Buckinghamshire County Council.
A Parish Councillor is the holder of a public office, not a volunteer. A councillor has no authority to make decisions about council business on his own.
The main job of a Parish Councillor is to participate in the collective decision making processes of his council.
A Councillor’s normal term of office is four years and anyone over the age of 18 who is a citizen of the UK, lives in the Parish, works in the Parish or works/lives within three miles of the Parish may put themselves forward to be a candidate in the election.
A Parish Councillor is required to attend each Parish Council meeting and participate in debate and decision making. The meetings in North Marston Parish are held monthly and should last for no more than 2 hours.
Parish Councils have various committees and working groups and it is up to the individual Councillor if they would like to participate in these activities.
It is really important that each Parish Council has a range of different Councillors; Councils work well with a mix of ages and demographic profiles.
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.
Jan Roffe – Parish Clerk
Email : northmarston @gmail.com